Behavioral Health and primary care televisits now available!
Quality care from the comfort of your home.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are offering some services via telehealth to patients in their homes. This is to reduce your exposure as well as our staff’s exposure during this time.
Telehealth is the use of electronic information and technology to support long-distance health care.
Through the TytoCare app our patients have access to a live video visit with their provider from the comfort of home.
What will I need?
A smartphone or tablet with iOS (last two versions) or Android OS 4.4.4 or above
Wi-Fi connection, mobile hot spot, or phone data
Email address
Earbuds or headphones (preferred but not required)
How do I get started?
Download the TytoCare app to your smartphone or tablet
Open app and Sign-up
When prompted, enter code: chcfamily
Follow prompts to complete set up (best to enter year first when entering birthdate)
Call the clinic to schedule your visit:
Problems with TytoCare App?
Have you signed up for the Patient Portal?
The online Patient Portal is the one stop shop for you to manage your health anytime, anywhere. You can schedule appointments, send messages or refill requests, and view your test results and billing without having to request an appointment or wait on the phone.
Download TytoCare App
*Please note: Telehealth is a partnership between clinician and patient. You may request a telehealth visit, but it is ultimately up to your provider’s discretion and if they feel it is the best course of action for your care.

What is Tytocare?
TytoCare provides clinics an easy, convenient way to give their patients access to quality medical care anywhere. Our telehealth solutions are designed for use in the office, at home or on the road, and enable patients to connect with a clinician for a medical exam or telehealth visit.
Videoconference via the TytoCare app
Devices that allow your provider to perform an exam remotely

Through the TytoCare app you will have access to a live telehealth videoconference with your provider.

The TytoCare app combined with the use of a TytoHome kit can provide a more comprehensive medical exam by giving you the ability to share sounds and images while
having a live
conversation with
your provider
How it works
Download the app onto your smartphone or tablet. You will need a Wifi connection or to use your phone data.

Through the app you will have a live video visit with your provider.

Your provider is able to give you a diagnosis, treatment plan and prescription as needed.

What is included
TytoHome device with exam camera and no-touch basal thermometer
Otoscope adaptor for examining the ears
Stethoscope adaptor for listening to the heart, lungs and abdomen
Tongue depressor adaptor for the throat
Comprehensive user guide
Quick-start guide
Rechargeable battery

tytohome kit
WHAT it can do

Heart Exam

Heart Rate

Ear Exam

Lung Exam

Throat Exam

Temperature Check

Skin Exam

Abdominal Exam
TytoHome is a lightweight and portable medical exam kit. The TytoCare app gives you an interface between the exam kit and your smartphone or tablet. With these tools, you can collect and send information to a Bighorn Valley Health Center professional from your smartphone or tablet. Your healthcare provider guides you during the exam.
With tools in the exam kit, you can capture high-quality digital sounds from your heart and lungs. You also can share readings of your heart rate and body temperature, or create images and videos that show your inner ears, throat and skin. Your healthcare provider uses this information and other details you provide to make a diagnosis and offer a treatment plan and prescription, if needed.
Who sees the data from my exams, and is it HIPAA-compliant?
Exam data is sent via an encrypted, secure network and is stored on a HIPAA-compliant cloud. Only you and your healthcare provider can determine who can access your medical records.
Who can use telehealth?
Anyone with a smartphone or tablet and Wi-Fi connection or data plan is eligible for a telehealth visit. However, telehealth is a partnership between clinician and patient. You may request a telehealth visit, but it is ultimately up to your provider’s discretion and if they feel it is the best course of action for your care.
How do I make a telehealth appointment?
You can schedule a telehealth appointment like other types of appointments. Request an appointment through the Patient Portal or call your clinic front desk.
Who do I call if I am having issues with the TytoCare app or TytoHome?
1-866-971-8986 (TYTO)
The TytoCare app is asking me for a code. What code should I use?
The code to connect with a care team at our organization is: chcfamily
How do I reschedule my telehealth visit?
Send a message to our front desk through the Patient Portal or call your clinic front desk.
How do I sign up my family members?
You can sign up multiple family members under one TytoCare account. We recommend that parents/guardians sign up and register the account in their name and then add dependents under the same account.
How to I get a TytoHome kit?
Contact your provider to find out if you are a good candidate for a TytoHome kit. They can discuss the options for rent or purchase.
Does TytoCare cost anything?
It is free to download and use the TytoCare app.
The TytoHome kit is available for rent through BVHC for a refundable $20 deposit. If you would like to purchase, please reach out to your care team for options and set up instructions.
TytoApp works with iOS (last 2 versions) and Android (4.4.4 and above), and is compatible with most Apple iOS and Android OD devices.
Which smartphones and tablets are compatible with Tyto?
Can I use Tyto away from home?
Yes. All you need is a smartphone or tablet with a Wi-Fi connection or phone data. TytoHome is lightweight and compact and requires either Wi-Fi or a mobile hot spot.
Do I need any training to use Tyto?
Tyto has built-in training videos and guidance technology to help ensure accuracy and ease-of-use. When using Tyto during a live telehealth exam, your clinician will guide you through the examination process.
What do I need to use TytoCare?
You will need a smartphone or tablet with a Wi-Fi internet connection, or phone data and an email address.
Tytocare support
1-866-971-8986 (TYTO)
If you need to schedule or reschedule an appointment or let your provider know you are having issues, please contact your clinic front desk.